Monday 19 September 2011

Safety Tips while visiting Lake Bogoria

Lake Bogoria is located on the Northern part of Kenya. The soda waters of the lake attract a large number of Flamingos. The lake is surrounded by arid landscape and surrounded by the Siracho Range. The lake is volcanically active and the western side of the shores of the lake have geysers, hot steams and geothermal pools.

The lake is home to the largest population of lazer flamingos. The lake also harbours fish Eagles which prey on the flamingos.A lot of information on the lake has been written, however both the local and international tourist are not always informed on taking caution while at the lake.

Tourists need to be cautious while walking on the shores of the lake. There are normally loose grounds and one can slide and hurt themselves in the geysers and hot steams. If God forbid you happen to get hurt the closest dispensary is at Marigat; Marigat Dispensary. Here the best they can do for you is give you a tetanus injection and advise you to go to War Memorial Hospital, the closest hospital in Nakuru which is 145km away.

As a tourist travelling down those sides and you plan to spend a few nights there it would be wise to call and find out if the hotel provides for transport incase of emergencies. Also one should find out whether the hotel hosting has the simplest first aid kit.

Many accidents have happened here and have gone unreported; the victims are normally children on school going trips, some local and international tourists lured into boling eggs and to see how hot the water is.


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